Pakistani English Access Teachers and Alumni Sharpen Skills in U.S.–Funded Training Program


 Islamabad: Over 80 Pakistani English Access instructors and alumni completed 10-day intensive residential programs on August 7, as part of the U.S. government’s continued efforts to promote English-language education.  The workshop helped instructors learn how to develop interactive lessons and engaging classrooms, and provided ready-to-use ideas to help students improve their mastery of English.  Alumni concentrated on drafting personal narratives for use in future Access classes.

The Access program is a two-year, after-school English language and leadership skills development program for learners between the ages of 13-16.  Since its inception in Pakistan, over 14,000 local students have benefitted from this program.

American Embassy Chargé d’Affaires John Hoover praised the educators who attended the workshop.  “Pakistan is fortunate to have such talented teachers,” he said at the workshop’s closing session.  “Your efforts inspire and broaden minds, and develop career skills that will serve Pakistan’s future professionals.”

Chargé Hoover also commended Access alumni for participating in the training program.  “Your presence here today is proof that the Access program can inspire young Pakistanis to serve their communities, for the good of Pakistan and the world.”