WATCH Ottomon-era Azan rythms by Turkish Imam


KARACHI: A video has gone viral on the social media in which a Turkish Imam tells about the five rythms used for Azan during the Ottomon Empire.

Recep Uyar, the Imam of Green Masjid located in Turkish city of Bursa tells visitors about the five rythms of Azan in practice during the Ottomon era.

He recited all the five rythms in front of the audience.

In the video, the audience liked the Azan and appreciated the Imam, who has been serving at the mosque for 20 years.

According to the Imam, during the Ottomon era the rythm of each of the daily five Azan was bit different than other.

The Azan is the Islamic call to prayer recited five times a day.

In Turkey, unlike in many other countries the recitation style of Azan varies depending on the time.