Faisalabad railway station turns into heaps of garbage


Faisalabad: The railway station in Faisalabad, Pakistan’s third largest city, has turned into heaps of garbage, causing problems for passengers.

A scanning machine worth millions of rupees installed at Faisalabad railway station to check passengers’ luggage has broken down for two years.

Piles of dirt are seen everywhere at the station with uncomfortable and broken benches and unavailability of chilled drinking water.

There is no sanitation, no water, no seating at the railway station, which makes passangers to sit on the ground.

Senior station master Mohammad Ashraf said that they lack resources. One out of five sanitary workers at the entire station is Mai (lady), one worker is sick, leaving only three, which are not enough to clean the premises of the railway station.

He said that his entire day is spent on supervising the cleaning of the railway station.