Stage is all set for an Islamic revolution in Pakistan, world: Sirajul Haq


KARACHI: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan Ameer, Senator Sirajul Haq has said that stage is all set for an Islamic revolution not only in Pakistan but across the world. He added that the situations and unrest in the world from Kashmir to middle-east indicate that the world is ready to reject the so-called New World Order.

He was addressing on Sunday to a day-long activity under banner of ‘Karachi Konnect’17’.  Under the banner, thousands of Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) Alumni in Karachi gathered at Karachi Expo Center.

The event was comprised of three session chaired by former Nazim-e-Aala [President] of IJT as well as former Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan Syed Munawar Hassan, Deputy JI Pakistan chief Dr. Fareed Piracha and JI, Pakistan chief Senator Sirajul Haq respectively.

A large number of prominent figures, including various columnists, intellectuals and professionals, JI, Karachi chief Engr. Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman, IJT Alumni head Dr. Wasay Shakir, besides current and former IJT office bearers participated in the event. Besides this, tens of thousands of people, once associated with IJT, participated in various sessions of the day-long event.

Siraj ul Haq continued that on domestic front, children are starving, degree holders are seeking livelihood but the status-co based on double standards favors only to corrupt people.

He took oath from the participants to take part in the struggle for a peaceful Islamic revolution in Pakistan.

Talking about IJT, he said that IJT is not only the name of an organization but is an ideology. He said that IJT propagates the same thing for which Allah Almighty has sent prophets. It is a continuous struggle.

He said that our Holy Prophet (SAW)’s life teaches us to follow the golden principles of Islam.

Referring to a recent remarks of Justice Khosa, he said that the admission by the court that if real accountability is held, all politicians would be jailed except a former worker of IJT.

He shared several flashbacks from his memory and urged the Alumni to strengthen JI and take part in the struggle for a peaceful, prosper and Islamic welfare Republic of Pakistan.

Haq said that the entire struggle of the IJT is aimed at creating a society where ways for virtue and good deeds would remain open and committing a sin would become difficult.

Earlier, in his address, Syed Munawar Hassan said that it is a universal reality that only youngsters in general and students in particular can create a revolution. He added that it is a blessing of Allah Almighty that IJT activists have kept alive the beacon of hope for Islamic revolution.

He urged the participants to follow the passage of Islam and play their due role to bring in Islamic revolution in Pakistan. He was of the view that such events should be held on regular basis.

Senior columnist, author and intellectual Shahnawaz Farooqi in his addressed focused the personality and contribution of JI founder Syed Abulallah Modudi. He said that the literature produced by Modudi received overwhelming response from the entire world and his writings were translated in over 75 languages.

He said that Syed Modudi was the man of his century. He added that JI and IJT are results of his and ideology.

Prominent scholar, motivational speaker and one of the top experts on personality development Bashir Jumma said that IJT teaches its followers such lessons which cannot be taught in academies otherwise. IJT bestows its followers with realization, spirit, management, planning and above all to always eye the highest moral values and follow the pious cause of one’s life. He added that IJT teaches to respect humanity and bring purity in one’s life.