Sirajul Haq demands Muslim World, OIC firm steps for Rohingya Muslims


LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq said that the eviction of the Muslims from Burma and the discovery of their mass graves was a scar on the face of the civilized world.

In a statement here on Wednesday, he urged the Muslim world and the OIC to take pity on the miserable plight of the Burmese Muslims and pressurize the United Nations and the Myanmar government to stop their eviction.

The JI chief deplored that thousands of the Burmese Muslims were moving in boats from one to the other end of the sea in search of shelter but no country was ready to provide them refuge. It was unfortunate that Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia had closed their borders to these people and they were being pushed back on gun point into the sea. He made an impassioned appeal to the governments of Banagladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia to help save the lives of the Burmese Muslims and provide them basic necessities like food, and clothing.

Sirajul Haq appreciated Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s  moral and material support to the Burmese Muslims and urged other Muslim rulers to emulate his noble example.