Muslim world should stop massacre in Rohingya : Sirajul Haq


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami Pakistan Senator Sirajul Haq has said that it was the responsibility of the Muslim world to stop the genocide of the Rohingya Muslims and to provide them protection.

He said on Monday in a meeting at Mansoora that the Rohingya Muslims were being burnt alive and butchered like cattle but none of the human rights bodies including the United Nations or the OIC had stepped forward in their support.

He stressed upon the Pakistan government to arouse the Muslim rulers from deep slumber of the issue and also move a resolution in the UN for ensuring safety of the Rohingya and to build public opinion for stopping their eviction from Burma.

Sirajul Haq said the UN bias against the Muslims was manifest from its complete silence on the issue while the so- called civilized world was also indifferent while the thousands of these people were being thrown out of their homes and move in boats from one end to the other in the sea in search for a shelter. He said the human rights bodies and the western states who talked even of animal rights had remained totally indifferent to the miseries of the Rohingya Muslims.

He said the JI would hold a protest demonstration in the federal capital to denounce the brutalities being perpetrated on the Rohingya. He appealed to the people to join the protest in large number in order to express their solidarity with their oppressed brethren.