Maggi banned in Dubai after India


DUBAI: Following ban on Maggi in India, Dubai also banned Nestle’s popular snack and ordered the shops to halt sales of the noodles.

Maggi had been tested positive for unacceptably high levels of lead in India and was banned in a few states.

However the Maggi which was supplied in Dubai are made in Malaysia rather than India.

The noodles is imported and distributed to local retailers, Nestle Middle East and Dubai Municipality have said, adding that the product is safe.

However, some Dubai shops directly import Maggi from India to cater to mostly Indians who prefer Maggi flavours and varieties made in India.

Following developments in India, Dubai shops have been asked to stop selling Maggi made in India, said Khalid Al Awadhi, Director, Food Control Department, Dubai Municipality.

There is no change in policy towards Maggi made in Malaysia and shops can continue selling that, he added.