International Labour Organization (ILO) for a training Program


Pakistan Workers Federation Collatorated With International Labour Organization (ILO) for a training Program on Collative Bargaining Pakistan Workers Federation Conclucted a 4 day training Program on Collection Bargaining from 15-18 August in Collatoration with International Labour Organization.

The trainers of the Program were Pakistan Workers Federation’s Genaral Secretary Zahoor Awan, Pakistan Workers Confederation’s General Secretary Qamos Gul Khattak, ILO Program Officer Saghir Bukhari, ILO Project Offiser Muzammil Habib Hashmi and others who addressed on vanion operto of couective bargaining and conduded group discuesins among participates.

The Program gathered Central and Plant Level Leaders of Pakistan Workers Confederation’s affiliated federation. EOBI’s Chairman Khaqan Abbasi Preented the Performance of EOBI. Labour Leaders in thain address showed a firm beliey that labour losue com be reowed Hoough effort workers meed to get united & organized to achiere thein righto.

The perfcipant of the program were Chaudhary Naseem, M.Yaqoob, Fazal Wahid,Aslam Wafa, Waqar Memon, Shafiq Ghori, Shaukat Ali Chaudhary, Fareeda Zaheer, Chaudhary M.Yameen, M.Hasan Baloch, M.Aslam Adil, Asad Memon, Chaudhary Saad Muhammad, Qazi Siraj and many others.