Injected milk from buffalos, cows injrious for health


HYDERABAD: Administring injections to buffalos and cows for extracting maximum quantity of milk is not only injurious to common people’s health but also for animals as well.

Different kind of injections namely Bostin, Empoxin and Oxytocin are available in market to inject buffalos and cows.

Administrating such injections to these animals were banned by Lahore High Court and also prohibited in different parts of the world, but such practice still prevailing in Sindh province.

“Administrating such injections cause various health issues that lead to different kind of ailments including kidney diseases”, a kidney Physician Puran Kumar Koshistani revealed to APP Friday.

It is unfortunate that frequent use of such injections is common practice in Sindh province, he said urging formulation of a policy to curb such unethic practice.

Veterinary Doctor, Ghulam Jillani said, “The use of such injection like Oxytocin are harmanful both for public and animals”.

“It causes harm to ovary of animals and develop other dangerous diseases’, he said.

Municipal Commissioner Hyderabad, Zahid Khemtio said that if a ban is imposed on administrating such injections to buffalos, a committee headed by Veterinary Doctor Arif would be formed to monitor and check the use of these injections in cattle colonies and other cattle farms in Hyderabad.

Director General Livestock Sindh, Ali Akbar Soomro said that Court had issued strict order imposing ban on use of these injections but later a Stay order was obtained and that’s why the practice of using injections is prevailing in the certain areas”.