Gilani urges people to greet Indian Members Parliament with pro-freedom slogans


The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Syed Ali Gilani in Occupied Kashmir has appealed to the people to greet Indian Members Parliament with pro-freedom slogans if they visit the territory.

Syed Ali Gilani referring to reports about possible visit by Indian lawmakers to the territory in a statement issued in Srinagar said.

“These people are not ready to come out of the cocoon of their national interest. I appeal to the people that wherever they go, whichever place they visit whether hospitals or localities they should be welcomed by slogans of freedom,” Kashmir Media service reported.

He maintained that the Indian parliamentarians should be told unanimously and in one voice that no employment, no package, no development and even no mockery of the so-called negotiations can fade or weaken the zest of our demand for freedom.”

“It should be conveyed to them in clear terms that our struggle will continue till the last Indian solider is on our soil,” he added.

“It is surprising that lawmakers in Delhi only wake up from their slumber by death and destruction of Kashmiris.

Indian armed forces and local police have unleashed a reign of terror by killing more than 70 innocents, blinding about 400, injuring about 7000 and after complete one month brutal carnage, these people are coming to `soothe’ our wounds.”

Condemning the widespread arrests throughout the territory, the APHC Chairman Gilani said, “Policemen join demonstrations in civil dress, identify youth and arrest them in nocturnal raids. In police stations, they are subjected to worse kind of torture and inhuman treatment.

The police demand ransom for their release thereby making it a very profitable business for them.”

He warned the black sheep in police asking them to either they desist from these anti-people and anti-movement activities or face the consequences,” he said.

“We are keeping an eagle’s eye on it and will never allow anybody whosoever he or she may be to derail the freedom movement,” he added.

Referring to posters against Pandits, the octogenarian leader said, “These are mischievous acts of the Indian agencies and I request people particularly youth of South Kashmir including Pulwama to check the credentials of such posters and culprits involved and make their identity public so that they will be dealt with accordingly.”