FIA summons Imran in Cipher inquiry, Foreign Funding case

FIA launches crackdown against those who slander security agencies on social media

ISLAMABAD: The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has summoned Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Chairman Imran Khan in the Cipher Audio Leak Inquiry and Foreign Funding Case.

FIA has issued a notice to Imran Khan to appear in the Cipher  Inquiry and he has been directed to appear before the FIA ​​on November 3 at 12 noon.

FIA has also summoned former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on November 3 at 12, besides Asad Umar has also been summoned on November 2 at 12.

The FIA has also summoned Imran Khan to FIA Lahore on November 7 in the foreign funding case.

It should be noted that the march of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf towards the federal capital Islamabad is also going on, which is being led by former prime minister Imran Khan.

Earlier, PTI Chairman Imran Khan challenged former prime minister Nawaz Sharif to return Pakistan and contest the election against him.

Addressing the participants of the Long March in Gujranwala, Imran Khan said that scripts are given from outside that they should not take cheap oil from Russia. NOC is taken from the US if oil can be imported Russia.

He said that my life and death is in Pakistan. I am not Nawaz Sharif to run away from Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif is waiting to get NRO from powerful people and then he will come back.

Imran said that he would take Nawaz Sharif to Adiala Jail from the airport upon his return.

Imran Khan said that Nawaz Sharif also rigged the medical reports. Nawaz Sharif and Zardari are conspiring together.

The PTI chairman challenged that whenever Nawaz Sharif comes back and contests elections, he would beat him in his constituency.

Last week, Leader of Pakistan Muslim League (N) Mian Nawaz Sharif has stopped Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif from any kind of talks with Imran Khan and has said that no demand of this fitna should be accepted and no face saving should be given.

Taking to Twitter, the head of Muslim League (N) Nawaz Sharif has forbidden Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to hold any kind of negotiations with the Chairman of Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan or to accept the demand and has instructed him not to do any such thing. He said that Imran Khan should not give any face saving in Long March.

In his tweet, Nawaz Sharif has said that the one who claimed to bring one million people in the long march has not yet been able to collect 2000 people. The reason for the apathy of the people is because of his shameful lies. His reality has been exposed to the nation.

Nawaz Sharif said that Imran Khan told one lie after another so brutally and brazenly that DGISI had to break his silence and tell the truth to the nation which it could not answer even after so many days. That’s why all the emphasis of Imran Khan is usually limited to abusive language only