Extension of forces’ stay by US in Afghanistan threat to regional peace: Siraj


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that US President Obama’s approval for extension of the American forces stay in Afghanistan was a serious threat to the regional peace and was condemnable.

Addressing the staff of the JI headquarters at an Iftar party he hosted for them at Mansoora lawns on Saturday, he said that Obama should have announced total pull out of US forces from Afghanistan. He said that the US and NATO forces had killed millions in Afghanistan and Obama wanted to continue that. Sirajul Haq said that the drone attacks were an attack on Pakistan’ independence and sovereignty and was not acceptable.

He also slated US support for India’s membership of the NSG and said that Pakistan and India both were nuclear powers and Washington’s backing for New Delhi would disturb the peace in the region.


Sirajul Haq said that if the Judicial Commission for Panama leaks probe was not set up during the holy month of Ramazan, the countdown of the government would begin after Eidul Fitr.  JI deputy chief Hafiz Muhammad Idrees, Secretary General, Liaqat Baloch, and other part y leaders were also present.

Sirajul Haq said there had been no headway on the ToRs for the judicial commission because of the government’s delaying tactics and stubbornness and now not much time had been left with the government in this respect.

He said that it would have been better for the rulers to present themselves for accountability during the sacred month of Ramazan, but the rulers were bent upon losing this opportunity as usual.

He said that some other people were simply interested in hue and cry instead of accountability and actually wanted that the matter was buried under the carpet for good.

The JI chief said that a ruthless accountability was the demand of the masses and not the political parties. He said the government attitude so far indicated that it was trying to avoid Ehtisab. However, he said, if the government did not change its attitude, the volcano heating up in the public mood would erupt and nobody would be safe.

Sirajul Haq said if someone considered himself above accountability on account of his high office or influence, he was gravely mistaken.  An indiscriminate accountability is inevitable and there won’t be any sacred cow to be saved, he added.

He said the cancer of corruption had crept all over the society and destroyed the whole system. The only way to save this system and government structure was to hold a ruthless accountability, he added.

He said the JI would intensify its drive against corruption after Eidul Fitr and would not allow the rulers to escape this demand of the nation.

The JI chief said that if the political parties should revived the system of internal accountability within so that the black sheep did not prosper. If the political parties resolve not to issue party tickets to the corrupt and dishonest persons, the plunderers would not be able to play with the nation’s destiny in future.

Sirajul Haq expressed deep concern over the incidents of female burning in the Punjab.