Baloch terms US, India, Israel allies as enemies of the humanity


Secretary General, Jamaat e Islami, Liaqat Baloch, has said that the US-India- Israel Satanic trio and their allies were enemies of the humanity and were shedding the blood of the Muslims in Kashmir, Palestine an Afghanistan.

Speaking at a madrissah function on Friday, he said that the US bombing at a Qunduz Madrissah was an attack on humanity and with this, the hatred for the US all over the world had increased. He said that the Muslims’ love for the Huffaz e Quran and the holy Quran had increased after the US attack.

He said that the madrissahs and the centers  of the Quranic teachings were the benefactors of the Ummah as they were safeguarding the Islamic teachings and signs and the religious identity of the Muslims and fighting against the anti Islam forces.

The JI Secretary General urged the Ulema and the religious leaders to unite against ideological, economic, political and moral corruption in the society. He said that sectarianism  feudal system and corrupt political system were destructive for the country.

He was sure that the MMA would mobilize the nation and be able to face all the challenges ahead.