Alkhidmat distributes Eid gifts among orphan children

Alkhidmat operating 50 water filtration plants in Karachi: CEO Ali Baig

KARACHI: Alkhidmat Karachi has arranged the distribution of Eid gifts to orphan girls under its Orphan Care Program.

The ceremony, organized in Nawa Lane Lyari, was attended by 50 girls, their mothers and guardians, Talha Shahid, CEO of and officials of Alkhidmat Karachi’s Orphan Care Program.

The girls were shown online designs of dresses from’s website to choose from after which these dresses were ordered to be sewn immediately. Besides, these girls and their mothers and guardians were also gifted books on Seerat un Nabi. These gifts and the dresses made the recipients very happy.

Speaking on the occasion, Talha Shahid lauded Alkhidmat’s efforts towards orphan care which was a Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWS) and a highly rewardable deed. He promised to assist Alkhidmat in its efforts and called upon the members of society to come forward and do the same.