Canada introduces bill to ban veil during naturalization ceremonies


OTTAWA: Canadian government has introduced a bill in the parliament to impose ban on face veils during naturalization ceremonies to receive citizenship.

The proposal submitted to the Canadian parliament would require all men and women to expose their faces as part of the naturalization ceremony to receive citizenship.

The bill, which has been submitted to the parliament, would require all participants to ensure their faces were exposed for a few seconds during the ceremony.

The Ministry for Multicultural Affairs explained that the new law is intended to ensure that applicants’ faces will be seen and voices heard by the audience as well to ensure applicants’ commitment to the laws, traditions, and values of Canada, including equality between men and women.

The new law was tabled in the parliament after Zunera Ishaq case. The Muslim lady had refused to remove her niqab during a citizenship ceremony. A Federal Court ruling later declared the face veil ban illegal due to a violation of the freedom of religion, but the bill introduced on Friday seeks to reinstate the ban.