Tanveer for maximum use of info-tech for better policy formulation


ISLAMABAD: Minister for Science and Technology Rana Tanveer Hussain on Tuesday called for maximum use of information and communication technologies to evolve better policies and improve mechanisms of implementation.

He was addressing a two-day International Workshop on Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for Development: Mainstreaming the Marginalised organized by the Inter Islamic Network on Information Technology (INIT).

He said that the cost of the technologies is decreasing day by day and there usage and deployment is becoming ubiquitous. In turn, it helps link people across communities, across regions and even


ICTs have opened up new avenues for providing access to information, employment, social justice, transparency and have helped in combating extremism, he added.

He further said that the deployment of ICTs have expanded the horizon for all. Equally true, it has proved itself as an equalizer for those at a disadvantage.

It has given voice to those erstwhile unheard. In that sense the ICTs have strengthened the democratic ethos of a society.

The workshop aims to deliver a unique participatory based learning experience for the invitees.

It will include presentations, panel sessions and open discussions around the theme of identifying ways through which the poorest and most marginalised can benefit from access to,

and use of ICTs.

The workshop was conducted by Prof. Tim Unwin who has extensive experience in the area of ICTs for development and is considered a leading authority on the subject.