NASA release new Pluto video


NASA has released a new Pluto flyby video, following the release of image that showed what a sunset on Pluto looks like.

The new Horizons has been sending back dozens of images from its flyby of Pluto, and the latest video animation stitches together images that were downloaded from New Horizons from September 11.

The images are from near the ‘heart’ shaped area of Pluto, or Tombaugh Regio, with the images used in the video starting at about 400 meter per pixel, while the rest of the images in the video are about 800 m/px and 2.1 km/px.

The video itself was made with the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI), and shows Pluto’s hemisphere when New Horizons was closest to it on July 14.

The video then shows us Pluto’s north pole and the Tombaugh Regio, before we fly further outward to see the dwarf planet’s hemisphere.

“The concept of this animation arose from a desire to showcase the most recent imagery received from the spacecraft and the huge variety of terrain types that we see on Pluto,” Robbins said.

And this isn’t the last we’ll be seeing of Pluto, as images of up to seven times better pixel scale are still to come.