Religious Minister announces Hajj Policy 2015


ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Muhammad Yousaf on Friday announced Hajj Policy 2015, this year pilgrims will be selected through draw.

The Minister announced the Hajj policy in press conference according to which the draw for pilgrims will take place on 14th of May while Hajj applications will be received from April 27 to May 8.

Extra charges 1000 riyals for food will not be deducted separately but will be a part of the total amount charged.

Last year, the charges for Hajj were Rs. 273,000 while this year they will be Rs. 264,971 rupees.

The ‘First Come – First Serve’ scheme has now been ended due to complaints while quota for private tour operators has been reduced by 2%. This quota will now be given to new Hajj operators.

The Minister informed that half of Hajj pilgrims will land in Madina while other half in Jeddah.

Designated banks has started receiving Hajj applications under Government Scheme from Monday. The applications under government scheme would be entertained on first come, first served basis.

According to Hajj Policy, 143,368 Pakistanis would perform Hajj and the government and private hajj group organizers will have fifty fifty quota.

Any person who has performed Hajj during the last five years will not be eligible to perform Hajj this year except as Mehram or the one undertaking Haj-e-badal.

Hajj package under the government scheme will be 264,971 rupees and from Baluchistan would be 255,971 rupees.

An additional amount of 14,500 rupees would be required from those applicants who opt to perform their qurbani through Islamic Development Bank.




Hajj package under the government scheme will be 264,971 rupees and from Baluchistan would be 255,971 rupees.


An additional amount of 14,500 rupees would be required from those applicants who opt to perform their qurbani through Islamic Development Bank.