Mosques extensive arrangements to perform ‘itikaf’ from today


A large number of mosques throughout the muslim countries including Pakistan have made extensive arrangements for Muslims who would like to perform “itikaf” (meditative seclusion) from today during the last 10 of the holy month of Ramazan.

According to report aired by a private news channel ,  relatives of the worshipers accompanied them to mosques where they will stay till the moon of Shawal is sighted.

Mainly, the male worshipers prefer to observe Itikaf  in the mosques while the women choose  a separate corner in their own homes.

Itikaf helps the worshipers to connect themselves with their Creator through prayers, reciting Holy Quran and reading religious books so that they understand the concept of worship in the most comprehensive sense.

Muslims will sit for Itikaf at Masajid throughout the country before Maghrib prayers from Tuesday (today).

During this period, they will offer special prayers and seek Almighty’s blessings and mercy.

In major Masajid of Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and other cities special arrangements have been finalized for Itikaf.

Those who stay in the mosques for the purpose of itikaf will be given accommodations and meals during Sehri and Iftar.                 Religious discourses have been arranged for the stayers to spend their time usefully inside the mosques. Worshipers can spend their time within the mosque premises and also participate in the Qiyamul Layl (midnight) prayers.

Mosque authorities have requested the participants to mingle with one another to get to know other Muslims during their period of stay in the mosques.

Authorities have made strict security arrangements for the last ten days of the holy month across the country.

Besides mobile patrolling and enhancing the security check, police pickets have also been established in all such mosques where the people observing Itikaf.