UN urges Israel to give up plan to annex West Bank settlements


NEW YORK: The United Nations (UN) has asked the Israel to stop its plan to annex settlements in the occupied West Bank.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that the Israel’s annexation is grave violation of international laws.

Guterres told the UN Security Council that the plan harms the prospect of a two-state solution. It also risks the possibility of renewal of talks, he added.

He said,”I call on the Israeli government to abandon its annexation plans.”

Earlier on Wednesday, from 25 European Union countries, about 1,000 lawmakers had demanded their leaders to intervene and stop Israel from its plan to annex parts of occupied West Bank.

According to a letter published in newspapers, 1,080 lawmakers have expressed their  concern about the Israeli plan.

The letter sent to the European foreign ministers says that the move would prove fatal for the future prospects of peace between Israel and Palestine.

The parliamentarians urged their leaders that the Europe must take a lead to bring international actors together with the view to stop Israel from the annexation.

They asked them to act decisively to stop Israel from it’s plan in the West Bank.